Managing climate risks
Climate change is one of the main problems facing the world in recent years. Every country, international community and organizations, large multinational corporations, and everyone who has influence in the world raise their voices concerning about the issue. Coca-Cola company has also been actively involved in this issue.
Climate Change - Actions
“MCS Coca-Cola” cares about the global ecosystem as we continue our business for the long term, and we do it for future generations. This is the content of the new concept of the Coca-Cola company. The impact of climate change and the destruction of nature and ecology has become a real threat to human life, which has created the need to strictly follow the sustainable development concepts.
Earth Hour
The global climate is changing and the frequency of natural disasters is increasing due to global warming. The causes of warming are production, including energy production, mining, animal husbandry, waste, and greenhouse gases from automobiles. The main goal of the "Earth Hour" campaign is not to turn off the lights and save electricity, but to draw the public's attention to the fact that human participation is important in fighting climate change, and that if everyone contributes, there is a chance to save the planet. Therefore, MCS Coca-Cola Company has been organizing the "Earth Hour" campaign in cooperation with the WWF in Mongolia in order to raise individual awareness and increase participation in the fight against climate change Sinchi 2010. Every year on Saturday, the last week of March, at 20:30-21:30, people from all over the world unit together by their desire to save the mother earth by turning off their lights.