ViO Millenia natural mineral water, an official brand of the Coca-Cola Company, which produces products in more than 200 countries. The water naturally filters through layers of protected underground rock for over 20 years. When it emerges in Mongolia's untouched terrains, it contains naturally occurring electrolytes, minerals, and neutrally balanced pH 7.8, which gives ViO Millenia its unique, soft taste. This water meets European Union standards and aligns with their 'Natural Water Standards', as confirmed through rigorous 3-year testing by the German SGS laboratory.
Орц найрлага
Calcium-50, Magnesium-12, Sodium-7,7, Potassium-1,85, Strontium-0,23, Bicarbonate-190, Sulphide-10, Chlorine-4,5, PH 7.8

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